Campaign Pledges

by roberteggleston on 16 April, 2011

Your 5 Lib Dem Candidates for Victoria Ward are clear that:

(1) we listen to the views of local residents and campaign on the local issues that concern them;

(2) we never have and never do engage in attacking candidates from other parties (either in our literature or on the doorstep);

(3) our campaigning is positive and forward looking;

(4) we do not hide the facts from local residents about local issues and feel it is important to hold councils to account;

(5) we are prepared to discuss with local residents the many challenges the town faces over the years to come and will not put a gloss on these challenges and pretend “that everything in the garden is rosy;”

(6) we strongly believe that if you are going to raise taxes in the town and make spending decisions that affect the town then you should live in it.

(7) we are open and honest with you about where we live – which for all five of us is in Burgess Hill.

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